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Yes Rentals

Car Rentals
Yes Rentals is the fastest growing car rental in New Zealand.  The team is shaped from a group of people who love to travel and love life.

Yes Rentals adheres to the service concept of treating every customer with the most professional and enthusiastic attitude, and insists on providing the most complete and cost-effective car rental experience for every traveler.  Since its inception, Yes Rentals has been receiving positive feedback from every customer.

All the locations are situated around the airport area, which helps the pick-up and return process convenient and efficient.  The multilingual customer service, 7/24 hour emergency assistance line, unlimited kilometres, no hidden cost, and zero risk insurance package are always there to support you throughout your trip.

New Zealand is a beautiful place to drive around to experience the world of natural.  We look forward to seeing you in our Yes Rentals store.


+64 3 420 2878

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39A Rennie Drive, Mangere, Auckland South, 2022

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